This is in the 'Citations & Bibliography' sections of the References tab. On the References tab, in the Citation & Bibliography group, choose the style of citation you want to use.
Click on the source you want to cite, and Word will automatically generate an in-text citation in the style you've chosen. In Word 2008, new styles are only added for citations. Switch over the �References� tab, and click the �Bibliography� button. Continue to insert citations as you write your paper. Once you have added RefWorks Citation Manager, go to View and select Add-In. Open for edit the file APA*.xsl (for example, in Notepad). In the Citations & Bibliography group, click the arrow next to Style. xml file (File � Export � Files of type: �MS Office 2007 (*.xml)�) It may not even update all fields there. Luckily, JabRef offers the possibility to export your library into an.
To insert a citation by adding a new source, do the following: 1. Add a citation to the source you have created: On the References tab, in the Citations & Bibliography group, click the Insert Citation button and choose the source from the list: 2. These are the basic guidelines for formatting an MLA style student paper. OR: removing/adding parentheses and the like).